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Support our Veterans at the 6th Annual Pack & Boots 5K benefitting Veterans Count

Kick-off your 4th of July at the 6th Annual Pack & Boots 5K and 1 Mile Survival Run! Hundreds will run, walk, and enjoy the scenic views of Downtown Portsmouth, NH.

The 5K, kicks off at Peirce Island and loops around Downtown Portsmouth. The most unique aspect of this popular annual event is the 1 Mile Survival Run, in which participants are asked to run in boots and wear a backpack that contains approximately 10 percent of their body weight. If you are looking for an added challenge, we encourage you to do both races at a discounted rate. Registration fees vary, but the first 100 veterans to register are FREE.

Both races are open to participants of all ages. We highly encourage creating a team of family members, friends, and co-workers. For those with young children, ages 5 and under, we are bringing back the FREE Kids Fun Run, that is 100 meters and ends at the finish line.

“The Survival Run is a lot of fun and is a great way to symbolically show support for our veterans,” said Veterans Count Seacoast Chapter Member and Race Director David Hampson, who has also run the race in prior years. “The crowds are great — it is one of my personal favorite races. It is challenging, scenic and festive.”

Aside from prizes for overall top finishers in the 5K and great race “swag” for all participants, the race is particularly appropriate for July 4th given that proceeds will be used to support Veterans Count.
“This is an incredible program that provides critically needed services to NH veterans, service members and their families,” noted Hampson. “The race is a chance to show your support for the men and women who help ensure the liberties we enjoy every day. It is a wonderful family event with a very important mission.”

Each year, the race also honors one of the five branches. This year, the U.S. Coast Guard will be honored. The participants shirts are Coast Guard blue, and the first 275 registrants will receive a special edition Pack & Boots pint glass, courtesy of Jeff Hiatt and PBS.

Special thanks to all of our sponsors: Service Credit Union, Seacoast Dream Dentistry, Kennebunk Savings, LTC Partners, Novocure, PBS, Atlantic Orthopaedics & Shields MRI, Great Bay Community College, Progressive Electric Solutions, Cross Insurance, Four Tree Island Advisory, Classic Cutters, Ricci Construction, Schrager Hampson Aviation Insurance Agency, Seacoast Orthotics & Prosthetics, Mason Consulting, and Who Dares Wins.

Register online at www.packandbootsrace.com. Day-of registration begins at 7:30am, the Survival Run starts at 8:30am, and the 5K kick-offs at 9am.