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Kickstands Going Up for Laconia Motorcycle Week

The Union Leader — Billed as the world’s oldest motorcycle rally, the 95th running of Laconia Motorcycle Week starts Saturday and rides through June 17.

The annual Peter Makris Memorial Run, to be escorted by New Hampshire State Police around Lake Winnipesaukee, returns to kick-off festivities from the Naswa Resort, 1086 Weirs Blvd. After a blessing of the bikes and a visit from “The Singing Trooper” Sgt. Dan Clark, kickstands will go up at 11 a.m. Naswa will have a lunch buffet and entertainment featuring rock & roll by the Jodie Cunningham Band from 2 to 6 p.m.

The fundraising event over the last 11 years has raised more than $380,000 for the Laconia Fire Department Life Saving Fund and Water Rescue Teams, as well as the Easterseals NH Veterans Count program, according to event organizers. The memorial run is named after Peter Makris, the late patriarch of the Naswa Resort and a community leader.

There’s a new route for this year’s run, which will include a ride to the New Hampshire Motor Speedway with two memorial laps around the track and a lap around the road course.
The Speedway, 1122 Route 106, also will play host this weekend to a couple of highlights of the first weekend of Motorcycle Week.

For more information about the schedule over the course of motorcycle week, visit laconiamcweek. com.

The Weirs Beach rally headquarters will be open from 8 to 9 p.m. daily on the Boardwalk of Lakeside Avenue. Riders roll in through a canyon of parked motorcycles as the Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad pulls into Weirs Beach, the heart of Laconia Motorcycle Week activities. This year’s festivities kick off Saturday and will run through June 17. During that time, the railroad will offer special train service between Meredith and Weirs Beach. Cost is $20 for ages 4 and older; free for age 3 and under. For information, visit HoboRR.com or call 745-2135.