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Here is the story of a veteran, Mike, who achieved a life-changing outcome through the integration of several Easterseals NH programs and services.
Media Mention
By The Laconia Daily Sun
Press Release
Manchester, NH, April 24, 2024– Tune in on May 15 to hear from and support the New Hampshire military community through the 10th annual Veterans Count “Make 12-Hours Count Radiothon.”
Media Mention
By Manchester Ink Link
Press Release
Thanks to a heartfelt commitment to assist those who served our nation’s military, NH Housing and M&T Bank have coordinated with Easterseals NH to provide key financing to provide the funding to construct an affordable housing complex for veterans at the site under development in Franklin.
Media Mention
By Manchester Ink Link
While seeking treatment for alcohol addiction, Brian was in danger of losing his home. Behind on several months of mortgage payments, he connected with Veterans Count. Through integration of services from Farnum and Veterans Count, Brian is now sober and thriving. Learn more about Brian’s journey.
For many veterans, transitioning out of the military is one of the most difficult things they’ll face in their life. Chris was no different. He battled depression and homelessness before being connected to Veterans Count. He learned that the care coordinators at Easterseals NH Veterans Count were there for him when he needed them most.…
Media Mention
By The Keene Sentinel
The Park Theatre in Jaffrey will host Rockin’ 4 Vets on Friday, March 22, as a benefit for Veterans Count to assist veterans with critical needs resulting from their military service.
As some of you may know, Maureen was selected to be one of 150 guests from around the United States to attend the 68th U.S. Army War College (USAWC) annual National Security Seminar, held June 5-8, 2023.
When Joe was referred to Easterseals NH’s Military & Veterans Services by Veterans Affairs in 2019, care coordinator Glenn Kazan knew he had his work cut out for him to give the New Hampshire Army veteran a hand up with basic needs.