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Raising a Glass and Funds at the Red, White & Brew Festival

An Easterseals NH & Veterans Count Event to Support New Hampshire Veterans and Their Families 

September 14, 2021 — Laconia, NH — On Saturday, September 25, the Lakes Region chapter of Veterans Count will host its 5th Annual Red, White & Brew Craft Beer & Wine Festival at Funspot from 12 pm to 4 pm.

The event to benefit New Hampshire Veterans and their families draws hundreds of participants annually, and this year looks to be no exception. With beer and wine tastings on tap, the Bob Pratte Band live on stage, and a car show to check out, there will be plenty to see, eat, and do at the popular Weirs Beach destination. “Thanks to our staff, volunteers, and sponsors, we’ve got an afternoon full of entertainment planned to honor and support service members,” said Jane Love, Volunteer Event Chair & Veterans Count-Lakes Region Chapter member. “We appreciate the many folks that join us for this event every year. Through their generosity, this event has raised $208,000 in its first four years to meet the needs of many New Hampshire veterans and families. Every ticket purchased makes a difference.”

Thank you to our major sponsors, including The Naswa Resort, FunSpot, Mix 94.1fm, The Weirs Times, South End Media, Stafford Oil, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Amoskeag Beverages, Pine State Trading, MS Walker, Perfecta Wines, Martignetti, Sal’s Pizza, and Bootleggers. Veterans Count, the philanthropic arm of Easterseals NH Military and Veterans Services, provides emergency financial assistance to veterans, service members, and families. For more information about the event, and to register, visit https://vetscount.org/events

About Easterseals NH Military & Veterans Services

Easterseals NH Military & Veterans Services was founded in 2007 to provide a safety net of critical case management and emergency financial assistance to meet the unexpected crises of service members, veterans, and their families. Emergency financial assistance, made available through Veterans Count, the philanthropic arm of our Military & Veterans Services program, is only utilized for emergency goods and services not available through other sources. For example, funds may be used for such items as rent assistance, gas, emergency food, transportation, and tools or training to secure employment. Last year alone, the program served more than 1,660 veterans, assisting them in accessing eligible benefits and services and obtaining employment and housing to build a sustainable, secure, and viable future. Our commitment is to give each veteran the dignity he or she deserves. For more information about Easterseals NH programs and services visit, eastersealsnh.org 
